Geschirrtücher selbst bemalen! - Lizasliving

Paint your own tea towels!

Because I usually don't like the usual tea towels, I came up with the idea of ​​pretending white tea towels with some fabric paint. This gives you an absolute, unique highlight for your kitchen and it's so easy!
(PS of course you can also paint any other fabric object with it, e.g. napkins!)
That's how it works:

  • Tea towels or other fabric (cotton is best)
  • fabric paint
  • Motifs for printing (e.g. cork coasters)
  • Paint brush

What should I do:

1. First wash the tea towels or the fabric and then dry them. Very important, wash without fabric softener.

2. Lay the cloth or fabric on a smooth surface. It is best to put a pad underneath (the color could possibly print through).
3. Choose a motif that you would like to print on the towels. Cork coasters are very suitable. Paint the motif with the fabric paint.

4. Press the painted motif onto the appropriate area of ​​the cloth. Get your desired pattern.

5. Let the printed towels dry for about 72 hours. Fixing is not necessary with the fabric paint that I used. Pay attention to the manufacturer information here.

6. Now wash the towels (again without fabric softener).

I think the tea towels would also be a perfect gift idea ♡

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